Jeremy Edmiston
Skin Deep
Tuesday, Jul 21, 2015
Sciame Auditorium (Room 107)
141 Convent Avenue
New York, NY 10031
Jeremy Edmiston’s focus on complex geometry in architecture produces striking design, but he is also a leader in digital technology to construct prefab structures, which allow precision and innovation in materials and budgets, high speed in construction, and minimal environmental impact. These technological advances are especially relevant to contemporary cities, another focus of Edmiston, whose projects in the urban landscape range from urban farming and homelessness to reducing the environmental load of high-rise buildings and creating contemporary design in the context of historic neighborhoods.
Principal at SYSTEMarchitects, Edmiston is also an associate professor at the City College of New York School of Architecture. SYSTEM’s work has won the AIA Wilkinson Award, the AIA New Housing New York Competition, an Australian Timber Design Award, the Bank of America Design Award, the McGraw Hill Best Construction Award, and an Architzer A+ Award for Architecture + Materials. Perhaps his most influential work is BURST*008, a prefab house commissioned and fully constructed by the Museum of Modern Art, where it was displayed it for three months and viewed by 750,000 visitors.
Edmiston is the recipient of the Harkness, Fulbright, Lindbergh, and Beyra Hadley Fellowships, and the Department of Energy’s Center of Excellence Fellowship. His work has been featured in Domus, Abitare, Bauwelt, Log, Architectural Record, LeFigaro, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Financial Times, The New York Review of Books, Vanity Fair, and Time Magazine.
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