Fall 2021 Sciame Lecture Series: Neera Adarkar
Pushing Boundaries: An Architect's Journey
Monday, Oct 18, 2021
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Online - Zoom meeting

Please join us for the new SCIAME Lecture Series, titled Architectures of Care. "Pushing Boundaries: An Architect's Journey" will feature Neera Adarkar.
Free and open to the public -- please register here for this Zoom event.
Neera Adarkar is an architect and an urban researcher based in Mumbai. After graduating in architecture from Sir J. J. College, Mumbai University, she completed her post-graduate studies in Industrial Design at IIT, Mumbai. She has received an honorary doctorate from KU Leuven, Dept of Urbanism. She runs Adarkar Associates, a joint practice engaged in architecture, planning, conservation and urban research. Adarkar has been a visiting faculty in several architectural colleges in Mumbai and a member of the Syllabus Committee for Architecture, Mumbai University and ex-member of Board of Studies for Architecture, Goa University. She is also a member of the Maharashtra Government appointed Committee of Experts for Dharavi Redevelopment. Noting her contributions, the Indian Institute of Technology conferred upon her the Distinguished Alumnus Award in 2013. Adarkar’s work emerges from deep concern for social, urban and gender issues. She is one of the founders of the Women Architects Forum and of Majlis, an NGO engaged in cultural and urban issues. She has been active in several urban struggles and specifically in the textile mill workers’ struggle and in the formation of Mumbai Peoples’ Action Committee. She has co-authored with Meena Menon One Hundred Years One Hundred Voices, Oral History of Millworkers of Girangaon (2004) and has edited the volume The Chawls of Mumbai: Galleries of Life (2011). Adarkar has a wide range of publications and has delivered lectures in Mumbai, Delhi, New York, Chicago, Berkeley, Cornell, Leuven, Columbia, etc.
Series Theme -- Architectures of Care: In a world riven by inequality and indifference, care-work has become essential and highly visible in its capacity to create more sustainable worlds. How can architecture support and nurture care work and the values of cooperation and commoning that go with the recognition of care as an essential form of labor? Convened by Spitzer faculty Cesare Birignani and Vyjayanthi Rao, “Architectures of Care” explores the notion of care and the ways in which architecture might contribute to repairing built environments and social fabrics.
Sciame Lecture Series with additional funding provided by the Bernard & Anne Spitzer School of Architecture Fund.
Speaker photo credit: Columbia University, Center for the Study of Social Difference
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