Faculty Profile Form

Please enter the information requested below for inclusion in your faculty profile page on the Spitzer School website. For examples, please see the existing profiles on the faculty page. There is no need to include bullet points for each entry (as on the website display); the bullet points are formatted automatically.

Note that you will be asked to supply high-resolution, black-and-white head shot (300 px w x 322 px h) and have the option of providing up to four (4) images (600 px w) of your work (projects, publications, etc.) that you would like included on your page.

Faculty Profile Page

  • Include up to four links to websites or social media directly concerned with your work such as your firm's website, your academia.edu profile, etc.
  • Please provide the following information: Degree title, Institution, Graduation Date
  • Please provide the following information: Title, Institution, Date Range in Years
  • Please provide the following information: Title, Firm Name, Date Range in Years
  • Please follow the Chicago Manual of Style.
  • Accepted file types: m4a, mp3, wav, ogg, Max. file size: 100 MB.
  • For Books: Book title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Date.
    For Articles: Article title. Journal Name. Issue #, Date, Page Numbers.
    For Book Chapters: Chapter title. Book title. Editors. Place of Publication: Publisher, Date. Page Numbers.
    For Exhibitions: Name of project. Name of Exhibition. Name of Museum or Gallery. Place. Dates.

  • Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 10 MB.
    Please provide a high-resolution, black-and-white headshot (300 px w x 322 px h @ 72 dpi for the Spitzer School site, 455 px w x 607 px h @ 72 dpi for the CCNY site.)
  • Work Images

    If you like, please also provide up to four (4) images (600px w, any height, 72 dpi) of your work (projects, publications, etc.) that you would like included on your page.

  • Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, Max. file size: 10 MB.
    If possible, PLEASE KEEP EACH IMAGE FILE SIZE under 1MB. Make file names descriptive and specify sequential order.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, Max. file size: 10 MB.
    If possible, PLEASE KEEP EACH IMAGE FILE SIZE under 1MB. Make file names descriptive and specify sequential order.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, Max. file size: 10 MB.
    If possible, PLEASE KEEP EACH IMAGE FILE SIZE under 1MB. Make file names descriptive and specify sequential order.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, Max. file size: 10 MB.
    If possible, PLEASE KEEP EACH IMAGE FILE SIZE under 1MB. Make file names descriptive and specify sequential order.

After you hit SUBMIT, please scroll down to the bottom of the page to be sure the form was submitted successfully.