Curator Contact Information
Email(s) and mobile phone number(s).
Preferred exhibition dates*
Please list a 1st and 2nd choice for dates.
Detailed Description of Exhibition*
150 words (maximum). Please provide a general gist/first draft of the proposal, highlighting the most important parts of the exhibition and how exactly you are/were involved. This should be text, not a link. Please note: there is space below to upload images/files of pre-existing material.
Materials to be displayed (number and size)*
Drawings, photographs, models, other? Please specify.
Wall text to be displayed*
Panels, captions, other? Please specify.
Installation Method*
Wall-hung, stands, cases, other/special requests? Example - any requests regarding storage, delivery, installation, and/or construction of displays, walls, tables to exhibit materials, etc.
Symposium Details*
Planned? Preferred date? Please specify the scope.
Detailed Description of Exhibition Expenses*
150 words (maximum). Please provide a general gist/first draft of the exhibition's budget; please address reproductions, mounting, framing, fabrication of display, shipping, and/or other costs. This should be text, not a link.
Detailed Description of Installation*
150 words (maximum). Please provide a general gist/first draft of the exhbition's staffing needs: Spitzer staff, curators, etc. This should be text, not a link.
Detailed Description of External Support*
150 words (maximum). Please provide a general gist/first draft of the exhibitions's external support (if applicable): co-sponsors, grants, other. This should be text, not a link.
Detailed Description of Budget Request*
150 words (maximum). Please provide a general gist/first draft of the exhibitions's budget request. This should be text, not a link.
Detailed Description of Additional Expenses*
150 words (maximum). Please provide a general gist/first draft of the exhibitions's additional expenses: opening reception, symposium, other. This should be text, not a link.
Related Links
Please explain each link.
Related Social Media Handles, Website, Tags
Related Instagram handles (leading with yours), other social media handles, your website (optional), related tags, etc.