
2019 Study Abroad in Barcelona

The David Werber Traveling Fellowship 2019 Barcelona Summer program brought 7 CCNY architecture students to Spain to work with a group of students and professors from the Facultad de Arquitectura Planeamiento y Diseno of the Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina. Together they designed an addition to the Tiro con Arco pavilion, created by Carme Pinos and Enric Miralles in 1991.

The studio is located in the Fundacio Miralles and is hosted by Benedetta Tagliabue, an architect known worldwide and a Pritzker Prize juror.

“Spending my summer studying in Barcelona was truly one of the greatest experiences of my life. Being able to study at Miralles Tagliabue EMBT, one of the most renowned firms in Spain, was an amazing way to learn about such a historic and complicated region of the world,” said B Arch student Evana Said. “We were able to immerse ourselves not only in the architecture of the city, but also in the art, history, music, and culture in a multitude of ways. The program encouraged us to look beyond the studio and go out and experience Barcelona and surrounding regions and study the city in a more holistic way. Living there for four weeks granted us the opportunity to understand and live in the city in a more personal way, which isn’t typically a chance granted to tourists who visit the city for a short amount of time. We were able to physically experience a vast array of architecture, both historical and modern, and understand the profound way in which the architecture has shaped Barcelona into the deeply fascinating city it is today.”

The summer program was created by Associate Professor Fabian Llonch in 2002 and has been supported by David Werber, an alumnus of the school. It is as exciting and dynamic as the city in which it takes place.

