Thursday, Oct 27, 2016
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Sciame Auditorium (Room 107)
141 Convent Avenue
New York, NY 10031

Presented in association with Archtober, Architecture and Design Month New York City October 2016
Introduction: Marta Gutman, Professor
Architect and Urban Planner from the School of Engineering of São Carlos (1991). Master of Technology of the Building Environment (1999). PhD in Urban Environmental Structures from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism University of São Paulo (2005).
Currently is Professor on Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism at the University São Judas Tadeu in São Paulo (since 2008 ) and professor at Undergraduate School of Architecture and Urbanism at the same institution (since 2003). Administering disciplines of Housing policies and urbanization in Brazil (Graduate Program) and Social-Economic Studies, Theory and History of Architecture and Urbanism. Since 2013 coordinates with Fernando Lara the research Planning and participation: a new schedule for urban and environmental policies in Brazil with FAPESP and University of Texas support.
From 2005 to 2013 led with Nabil Bonduki The Pioneers of Social Housing project. It gathered material related to housing estates built between 1939 and 1966 in Brazil. The project covered a huge geographical extension and had the collaboration of many researchers nationwide. It was chosen to be published by the Ministry of Culture in a public tender and resulted in a collection launched in 2014 with 3 volumes.
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