
Headshot of Gerardo Dexter Ciprian, smiling at the camera.

Gerardo Dexter Ciprian

Adjunct Lecturer


Educational Credentials :

  • M.Arch., Yale School of ArchitectureUniversity, 2009
  • B.S. in Architecture, University at Buffalo, 2006

Teaching Experience :

  • Adjunct Lecturer, City College of New York, CUNY, 2022-present

Selected Publications and Recent Research :

  • Medicina de Amor, The Bronx Museum of the Arts, The Bronx, NY, 2022
  • Surface Tension, Ortega Y Gasset, Brooklyn, NY, 2022
  • The Time Being, Tussle Projects, New York, 2021
  • Bozales, Ladinos, Cimarrones, Underground Gallery, Harlem, NY, 2019
  • Pa Comida Perdía / Barriga Partia, PORTAL: Governors Island, NY, 2019
  • Pool Party, Field Projects Retrospective at C24 Gallery, New York, NY, 2019
  • Transitional Objects, Museum of Contemporary Art, Arlington, VA, 2019
  • TLRQVALL! (Tiende La Ropa Que Va a Llover!), Governors Island Art Fair, Governors Island, NY, 2018
  • Show #47: DEEP STRETCH, Field Projects Gallery, New York, NY, 2018
  • Multiverse, Black & White Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, 2017
  • Bronx Calling: The Third AiM Biennial, The Bronx Museum of the Arts, The Bronx, NY, 2015