Visiting Professors

Headshot of Monica Bertolino, smiling at the camera.

Monica Bertolino

Visiting Critic - Spring 2019

Biography :

Monica Bertolino is a graduate and postgraduate professor at Córdoba National University, Littoral National University, and Catholic University of Cordoba in Argentina. She has also taught at various national and international architecture schools since 1984. Bertolino is a graduate of the School of Architecture and Urbanism at the Córdoba National University, and a postgraduate from Córdoba Catholic University. She has lectured at numerous national and international conferences and is Director of RedSur, a Latin American interchange network.

Bertolino and Carlos Barrado founded the Bertolino Barrado Architecture firm, an organization that covers architectural, urban and landscape design at varied scales and subject areas. The architecture firm is among the 10th most noteworthy, and a recipient of numerous awards, nominations, and notable mentions: 2012 Konex Merit Diploma; 2011 ARQ Clarín prize; nomination for the 2011 and 2013 Marcus Prize in Milwaukee; 2010 VII Iberoamerican Biennial Award for Architecture and Urbanism; 2002 Quito PanAmerican Biennial, International Honorable Mention; the 2000 Vitruvio Award, among others. This award-winning firm has works and articles published in national and international books, magazines, and televised documentaries.